desanka maksimovic ljubavne pesme

desanka maksimovic ljubavne pesme

desanka maksimovic ljubavne pesme
Jesam ?ensko, al ne zna?i da, da ne vozim kao Schumacher. :D
Dragi momci, budite onaj tip mu?karca kakvog ?elite da dobije i va?a ?erka.. jednog dana. :)
If I didn't care, I wouldn't get mad.
I'm a sucker for the "I miss you" message...
It's amazing what people do for love, and it's even more amazing what love does to people.
Letting go doesn't mean giving up... it means moving on.
Loving him wasn't a mistake, but thinking that he loved me was.
No matter what I'm doing, in some way shape or form, you're always #onmymind
Real men stay faithful. They don't have time to look for another woman, because they're too busy looking for new ways to love their own.

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