ljubavne pesme tekstovi

ljubavne pesme tekstovi

ljubavne pesme tekstovi
Kad vidim ko je s kim u vezi,slavim svoju slobodu :)
Vi?e ne pla?em, pogledaj me. Stojim pred tobom ja?a nego ikad. Prerasla sam te. :)
Pokusavao sam biti hladan, ali kraj nje je to jednostavno bilo nemoguce. Tolikom toplinom je zracila da bi cak i santu leda otopila.
I really like you. A lot. I know sometimes I mess up and do things that make it seem like I don't care but trust me, you're my world.
If you truly love someone, being faithful is easy.
Imagination and love are boundless and free of discrimination.
Just once, I want to be hard to leave. I want someone staying up all night thinking only of me.
Love is when you're having the worst day, but when you look at him all the pain goes away.
Never let the bullshit stress you.
People only get jealous because they care.

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